Beware the black hole!

It is not as ominous as the title sounds. What I want to write about is the problem of internet time wastage. Unemployed, with copious amounts of time on your hands, the internet can suck time like no other supposedly constructive tool in every day life. Don’t get me wrong, all day should definitely not revolve around job hunting, but dedicating some quality time to it is necessary and that’s when all kinds of useless tumblr streams become so much more interesting..

The mornings I know I’m on my own and need to get some serious job searching going I find getting up early and jumping in the shower as a good way to start. The moment I find myself still sitting in my pyjamas when the evening’s gone dark I tend to feel like a bit of a loser.. It’s all about feeling like I’ve accomplished something, however tiny sometimes!

So today I decided to address the internet time wastage head on with some anti-procrastination- procrastination! I do some paid work remotely and the time wastage on silly sites still applies for that, it isn’t just the job hunting that tends to side-track my concentration..

I have now installed a temporary site blockage on my Chrome browser, and it has worked so far. Every time I’ve landed on a site I have defined as unnecessary, a message comes up saying ‘Shouldn’t you be working?’ I might be of weak/strong mind because that has been enough to steer me back on the right track again. Nothing like some self-inflicted guilt! Let’s see how long it lasts.

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