Category Archives: Intern

Ship in the interns!

I wish I could write all the posts I want in a much quicker succession than I have so far, but part of the reason I don’t is because I’m interning. I work as an intern in a public affairs company 3-4 days a week and ‘interning’ has certainly become a way of life for many recent graduates.. Love or loathe it.

I haven’t grown up with interning being a fact of life so I was quite surprised and disappointed, I must admit, when I realised I had to get on the intern wagon. If one is either just out of university with no prior work experience or changing careers to a field one doesn’t have practical experience in, becoming an intern for a few months is sadly becoming the way to go.

It all depends on individual circumstances, but I would hope that I do not need to do more than two internships before things start loosening up on the job front. Some people will probably disagree, however, this is where I would advice anyone to never go into an internship lightly. Really do your research and prepare questions for the interview about what you can actually expect to get out of the internship. Since you are offering your time for free, the company or organisation should really have something worthwhile to offer you in return! Read more here

My own interships so far

The first internship I did I could quickly see that there would never be any hope for a paid job at the end of it. Nonetheless, it was my first proper internship and I got a stable reference out of it which I can count on at any time. There was also quite a few other interns there and I made some great friends that I can count on in my times of unemployment exasperation.

However, I remember I had a moment of questioning the whole internship project when I found myself in a musty, old storage room supposedly organising it for one of the extremely dithering staff members. Other than testing my patience and compliance, I don’t see how that would add any value to my work experience besides gaining the understanding that interns are there to do the shit jobs for no pay..

The second internship, my current one, I was a bit more picky and looked around for what kind of specific experiences I was lacking on my CV that an internship could help with. At the interview I also asked what previous interns had gone on to do after completing their time with them. When they told me they had hired a few of them, I figured this might be a good place to be.

Internship controversy

There is a considerable amount of controversy surrounding internships and work experience, and rightly so. Not everyone can afford doing unpaid internships over several months and not everyone live in bigger cities where they are usually offered.

Deputy PM Nick Clegg has come out with his internship plan where he has called on companies to be transparent in the advertising of their internship, and move away from a ‘who you know’-type recruitment. That is fair enough, but I think it is equally important to turn attention to what companies are offering interns in terms of experience. If you are taking three months out to work for free, you should not have to be the tea-rounds bitch and do the data inputting that no one wants to do!

So from my own experience, I would advise anyone to do proper research around the company that is offering internship and really interview them as much as they do you about the opportunities that would available. An internship isn’t just about getting a good reference, but about getting specific experiences you can use to secure paid work afterwards! Internships can also be a great way to broaden your contact network and possibly also open up for in-house job opportunities, however, I would be careful about going into an internship expecting that because you might be disappointed.


Intern Aware and interns anonymous are great sites to look at for more information about the campaigning that’s going on around the issue and read more about people’s experiences as interns, for good and for bad.

Picture from here

Motivation! Strangulation!

Being motivated to carry on with the job hunt is really one of the biggest obstacles I’ve come across whilst searching and applying. It helps to know that you are not alone, with friends being in the same boat, but at the same time it can also make you feel equally or more helpless when you see others not having any luck either..

I am looking in rather specialist areas of employment with focus on public affairs, policy and campaigning, so I’m not casting my net that wide yet. For the time being I’m keeping afloat with a part-time job in media analysis and my partner’s salary. If it hadn’t been for that I’m sure I could not afford to stay very picky for very long. Internships have become a necessary evil in political and social science work and I’ll expand on this later.

When you read about the dire situation most of the country is in, as well as the rate of youth unemployment, it is easy to feel distressed. However, I do not think university graduates are facing disproportionate hardship in the current situation. Although we were promised that ‘the world is your oyster’ as university students, we are not the ones struggling the most and cannot begin to understand how scary it must be to face job searching without qualifications or experience.

Graduates might fall in between chairs in a way where we do not have enough experience for an entry level job in our field, yet we are over-qualified for other jobs that might be more within reach. This is where recruitment agencies might be a potential solution to help add experience to the CV. They are a separate beast in their own right but can prove to be a valuable backup.

I’m of the more pessimistic school and tend to expect things being a bit below par and disappointing, so I was not that surprised when job hunting turned out to suck a lot. What I have realised is that I need to fill my day with things to do that are not directly related to looking for and finding work. That is really one of my most important realisations in this process! Finding a new hobby (one you enjoy however geeky!), catching up with friends (unemployed or not). Without a job you are quite flexible and can then hook up with long lost employed friends on their lunch breaks and they’ve got a job so they can afford to get the coffee!


On a totally unrelated note: Stopgap, a marketing agency, has a rather quirky xmas campaign where, with a couple of clicks on your part, they’ll donate £1 to Crisis the homeless charity. I’d say it’s worth taking the time:

Waving not drowning

As a fairly recent graduate still without permanent work, I’ve decided I need to do something to motivate myself to carry on with ‘project job hunt’. I still attend my old university’s career centre talks and workshops and I aim to share some of that information here.

The blog is chiefly a way to crystalize all the advise I’ve been given, as a readership is not something I’m expecting in the near future. In the sea of blogs I have a feeling one needs to do some incessant waving to get noticed. But I hope that by approaching the job hunt in a sort of third person way by writing about it, I might become braver and actually follow some of the excruciating advice the careers advisers have given me (read: networking etc). And if someone finds it useful or just reassuring that others are in the same boat, that would be a great bonus!

I’ve also been on the whole internship carousel (and haven’t got off yet), and together with drawing on the experiences of friends as well, I’m sure there are lessons to be learnt and experiences to be built on from that! (even though internships sometimes seem a bit pointless to be frank)

Picture from here